Lihanleikkaajia HKFoods Oy:lle Outokumpuun
Eezy Henkilöstöpalvelut
Pohjois-Karjala, Joensuu, 83100 Liperi, 83500 Outokumpu, 83700 Polvijärvi, 73600 Kaavi, 71200 Tuusniemi
Laadunvalvojia Joensuuhun
RTK-Henkilöstöpalvelu Joensuu
Joensuu, 80710 Kontiolahti, 83100 Liperi, Pohjois-Karjala
Haussa Broman Groupin hallintoon
Etsimme kokenutta pääohjelmistoinsinööriä/arkkitehtia vastaamaan konsernin tietojärjestelmien ja arkkitehtuurin kehittämisestä liiketoiminnan vaatimusten mukaisesti. Tässä roolissa toimit...
Broman creates its most significant positive impacts in paying taxes and creating jobs, in category Society.
Broman creates its most significant negative impacts or uses resources in greenhouse gas emissions and scarce human capital, in categories Environment and Knowledge.
Broman creates its most significant negative impacts or uses resources in greenhouse gas emissions and scarce human capital, in categories Environment and Knowledge.
What is impact profile?
The net impact profile was modeled by the Upright Project. The profile is based on scientific research's understanding of the effects of various products and services. The profile tells you which things you are involved in influencing through this job. You can find more information about Upright here.
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