Muu ohjelmisto- , sovellustyön erityisasiantuntija
Approosters Oy
Joensuu, Pohjois-Karjala
Senior Software Developer, public business unit
HiQ Oy
Helsinki, Joensuu, Tampere, Turku, Hämeenlinna, Kuopio, Espoo
Kokenut sovelluskehittäjä
Lemonsoft Oyj
Kouvola, Joensuu, Jyväskylä, Oulu, Turku, Helsinki, Tampere, Vaasa
Our high-flying vision at Kelluu is to transform airships into a new, compact, high-tech form and answer the ever-increasing threat to our lives due to the climate change crisis. By scanning and collecting real-time data from the air with Kelluu airships, we can prevent and minimize, for...
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