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Lehtori, Subject teacher, Physics and Chemistry, International School of Vantaa

Vantaan kaupunki, Kasvatus ja oppiminen, Perusopetus
International School of Vantaa

Hagelstamintie 1, 01520, Vantaa

Työsuhteen kesto: Määräaikainen 01.08.2024 - 31.07.2025

Are you enthusiastic, energetic and enjoy working in a multicultural, bilingual environment?

International School of Vantaa is looking for a Subject teacher for Physics and Chemistry. The position might also include teaching some amount of Mathematics.

International School of Vantaa is a multicultural comprehensive school with around 600 students. The school provides English-language instruction for grades 1 - 9. The students' home language is English, or they have acquired a good English proficiency by other means. The students are admitted to the school based on a language test.

Our curricula are based on the National Core Curriculum for Basic Education. Our goal is to raise well-behaving students with versatile general knowledge who can function in English in a global environment.

The qualification requirements are a higher university degree and a subject teacher qualification (degree 986/1998). If the degree has been taken outside Finland, the applicant shall present an equivalent qualification approved by the Finnish National Board of Education.

The Finnish National Agency for Education has set a requirement for the English language: 

Language requirement

We are looking for a teacher who is a positive team player with good collaboration and communication skills. You have a passion to grow and learn and you are also interested in developing our ways of doing things.  You also enjoy spending time with teenagers and you engage also outside the classroom.

We value Finnish language skills.

The ideal candidate will have a real love for education and a desire to share their knowledge and experiences. They will be positive, passionate, and enthusiastic with the ability to instill these qualities in our students. It is essential that you demonstrate up-to-date knowledge of teaching, learning, and behavior strategies as well as good classroom management skills.

We offer you a supportive and progressive global work community as well as interesting teaching and education tasks in a modern learning environment. 

We at ISV are committed educators and always looking for ways to improve.

At ISV you receive an extra payment for teaching in English which is about 1900 €/year.

We might contact suitable candidates for an interview already during the application process.

Home page

Vantaa is Finland’s fourth biggest city with the courage to do things in a new way and capability to operate in different networks. The city is a safe employer that offers its staff wide and varied opportunities for developing competence. In addition to offering high-quality education and care, our modern educational institutions value internationalism, multiculturalism and a sense of community.

Learn more about the basic education in Vantaa Tule opettajaksi Vantaalle! Tutustu opettajan työhön tästä.

Työsuhteen tietoja

Kelpoisuusvaatimus: Opetustoimen henkilöstön kelpoisuusvaatimuksista annetun asetuksen 986/1998 mukainen kelpoisuus. Excellent English skills

Kelpoisuusvaatimuksen lisäksi edellytämme: Excellent English skills

Luemme eduksi: Cooperation and interaction skills. Knowledge of the Finnish Curriculum. Experience in co-teaching and guiding students in laboratory works

Palvelussuhteen ehdot määräytyvät Kunnallisen opetushenkilöstön virka- ja työehtosopimuksen (OVTES) mukaisesti.

Palkkaus: OVTES

Edellytettävät luvat: Valitun henkilön tulee esittää voimassa oleva rikostaustaote

Työpaikkojen lukumäärä: 1

Koeaika: Tehtävässä noudatetaan 6 kuukauden koeaikaa

Kokoaika-/osa-aikatyö: Kokoaikainen

Palvelusuhteen muoto: Virkasuhde

Työaika: Sovellettavan virka- ja työehtosopimuksen mukaan 



Kuitunen Panu-Pekka


[email protected]


Vice Principal Heli Elliott 0401910759

Vantaa on vastuullinen työnantaja. Tuemme työntekijöidemme hyvinvointia ja osaamista sekä työyhteisöjen hyvää ilmapiiriä. Kehitämme jatkuvasti esihenkilötyötämme. Meille Vantaan kaupungilla on tärkeää työyhteisön tasa-arvoisuus ja yhdenvertaisuus. Toivomme saavamme hakemuksia erilaisilta taustoilta olevilta henkilöiltä, kuten eri-ikäisiltä, eri sukupuolta olevilta ja erilaisista kieli-, kulttuuri- ja vähemmistöryhmiin kuuluvilta.

Lähetä hakemuksesi rekrytointijärjestelmämme kautta. Vantaan hakujen hakuaika päättyy klo 16:00.

Rekrytointiprosessissa saatetaan käyttää videohaastattelua.

Hakuaika päättyy: 31.05.2024 klo 16:01

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Lehtori, Subject teacher, Physics and Chemistry, International School of Vantaa

Full time

Published on 31.05.2024

Company Turnover: 
Ei käsitteellisesti ole
Company Personnel: 
Yli 1000 henkilöä
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