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Yhteisöohjaaja - Community Counselor

Are you experienced in working with students in preventing their absences? Have you got ideas on how to connect the students to their school community? Have you participated in leading groups and in developing group dynamics? Are at your best in working in multi-professional environments to find the best solutions for the pupils? If you answered yes to any of the questions, you might be the Community Counselor we are looking for.

We are looking for a professional to work as a Community Counselor at Espoo International School. At Espoo International School you work in English with our students from grades 5 - 9.

Your work as a Community Counselor consists of working with groups of students, planning, and implementing actions to engage the pupils with the school community, meetings with individual students and their families with approach to guidance. The daily work might be planning and implementing actions with break time activities and participating and planning cooperative work with teachers to support the students social and emotional skills. The work consists of daily multi-professional collaboration with the school community's student welfare team members, teachers, and assistants.

Your supervisor at school is the principal of Espoo International School. During school holidays, you work in cooperation with the Espoo City Youth Services.

Työpaikan nimi ja osoite: Lillhemtintie 1, 02250 Espoo
Työaika: KVTES yleistyöaika 38.25h/vko
Tehtävä on määräaikainen.

All interviews will take place on Monday 12th June. Please do not hesitate to leave your application, as we contact suitable applications already during the recruitment period.

Soveltuva korkeakoulututkinto
Approriate degree in social services, youth services or community education.

Tehtävässä edellytetään:
We expect a strong background and experience in working with students of basic education age. You are experienced in meeting the students, practical solutions of the guidance and support for growth, working with groups and with individuals and families. You have a genuine interest in working in English to promote the well-being of the students and working in both multi-cultural and multi-professional working environment in Espoo.

We expect flexibility, ability to take initiative and excellent English skills. You are able to work both independently and as part of a group with a positive and proactive approach to daily tasks and long-term projects. You are able to document your work and implement plans into action.

We value knowledge of family and social work background as well and knowledge of the youth services in Finland. We value a degree in social services, community educator degree or equivalent. Understanding and knowledge of special needs education is also an asset.
Knowledge of Finnish language is an asset but not a requirement.

Espoossa jokaisella työpäivälläsi on merkitys. Meillä pääset rakentamaan yhteiskuntaa aitiopaikalta ja vaikuttamaan kaupunkilaisten arkeen. Tarjoamme työntekijöillemme hyvät henkilöstöedut (mm. lounas-, liikunta- ja työmatkaetu sekä apua vuokra-asunnon hankintaan). Arvostamme henkilöstön ammattitaitoa ja tarjoamme ammattitaitoa ylläpitävää ja kehittävää täydennyskoulutusta. Työntekijänämme sinulla on myös mahdollisuus maksuttomiin suomen kielen koulutuksiin työsi tueksi.

Lue työstä, jolla on merkitystä:

Vice Principal
Heli Elliott
[email protected]
tel. +358 50 348293
If contacted by phone, please call 30.5. - 9.6. between the hours 14:00 - 16:00.
Työpaikan osoite: Lillhemtintie 1, 02250 Espoo
Palkkaus: Tehtäväkohtainen palkka: 2735,72€/kk
Työ alkaa: Työskentelyn aloitus sovitaan yhdessä
Työaika: Kokoaikatyö
Työn kesto: Määräaikainen
Hakuaika päättyy: 09.06.2023 12:45
Jätä hakemus:
Ilmoitus jätetty: 30.05.2023 00:00
Työmarkkinatorin ilmoitusnumero: 93d687cb-e3dc-44b7-b50e-d6e373b11986

Lähde: Työmarkkinatorin asiakastietojärjestelmä

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